Voter List, Council Election 2024 & 2025
Eligibility for General Membership
➽ An applicant must have at least two research-based Books or articles on the reputed offline Journals.
➽ Among the publications the applicant must be at least the first author or corresponding author in one publication and the second author in another.
➽ An eligible applicant can collect the membership form by paying Tk. 300/- (in cash) from the Society’s office.
➽ After proper scrutiny the Council will select and approved the applications.
Facilities of General Membership
➽ Allowed to vote for the Council Election
➽ Allowed to submit panel for the Council Election
➽ Allowed to use the ASB Library and issue maximum three books at a time for one month.
➽ Notified all the upcoming ASB events and lectures at the Society through E-mail and SMS.
➽ Get 50% off on all the ASB Publications.
➽ The bi-annual ASB Journals (Science, Humanities and Bangla Patrika) will be sent through post or courier to the respected ASB Members with no charge.
Eligibility for Life Membership
➽ After seven years of general membership as well as having two more research publications (published after being general member), one can be eligible for applying life membership.
Associate Membership
There is another type of ASB membership named associate membership which does not require any publications. In this category, one can only allowed to use the ASB Library resources but cannot issue books and attend the lectures at the Society.
➽ General Membership subscription fee TK. 2,000/- (Two Thousand only) per year.
➽ Life Membership (one time) subscription fee TK. 10,000/- (Ten Thousand only) . After being a Life Member no subscription fee will be charged ever.
➽ Associate Membership subscription fee Tk. 1000/- (One Thousand only) per year. For student Associate Membership subscription fee Tk. 500/- (Five Hundred only) per year.